Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Momusu has touched American soil!

This afternoon I found out Morning Musume has finally landed in America for Anime Expo (which starts tomorrow/today... it's late XD)!!

This is a big day for American Hello!Project fans~ I feel sad that I can't be there, but I live on the other side of the country and I have trouble just affording going to university. >_> Despite the distance, though, I still feel excited!!!

People have been uploading videos of the Musume's arrival, like this one:

(lol orange for Eri support...)

Okay, so it's not like The Beatles coming to America (*shakes finger at American radio stations that only promote the same 10 songs every hour or so*... it's too bad Morning Musume couldn't have had more promotion here...) But! All those screaming fans surely made Morning Musume realize that there are people in America that know about them and do care passionately about them! Hopefully this reaction encourages more goodies for American fans (like maybe a full tour, more physical releases of their albums, T-shirts... action figures. XD)