200- 1. More HAPPY songs!
Like with cheering and stuff. It seems only the anime units have been getting those lately, and some of the shuffle units. I'd like to see the happy creep back into the main groups, though. Not that some of the "darker" stuff isn't cool and catchy, but I would like a balance. It's not just wanting a return to the "golden era." "Yuke Yuke Monkey Dance" was doing it right.
200- 2. More anime or manga based on the girls.
Reina's getting an anime with a lead character BASED on her. I already think of most of them as living cartoon characters sometimes, so I would definitely watch an H!P based cartoon. :D
200- 3. Trading cards and dolls?
That would be so cool if they had trading cards again and dolls/figurines! I'd find those cooler than some of their current merchandise (i.e. towels... though I must admit, they are very useful for hitchhikers.) I still have a Scary Spice doll I got in the fourth grade. XD
200- 4. No more covers. Unless the licensing issues are able to be resolved.
I actually LOVE the covers, especially "Dschinghis Khan" and "Shochuu Omimai Moshiagemasu", but it sucks because then they seem to run into licensing issues overseas. I want more Hello!Project stuff to be available to fans everywhere, and Japanfiles won't sell a single track of an album if there is so much as one cover on it. Thus no C-ute albums and no Berryz 5th album... and they have some of those groups' best songs in my opinion.
200- 5. Another act comes to the US, preferably the East Coast.
Please Buono? XD But I wouldn't mind Berryz or Morning Musume. But Morning Musume should go to Europe and Berryz is going to Thailand. They could shuffle and go to a different continent each year! (Except Antarctica... no love for you. D< ) I don't think I'd have the motivation to see C-ute, S/mileage, or Mano, though.
200- 6. The new shuffles actually get releases.
The girls are busy with other projects, so the releases might only be once or twice a year. Even though I don't get singles and just wait for the albums, I know a lot of other people would enjoy single releases. And music videos. Then they'd look like a serious revamped group, not a nostalgic novelty.
200- 7. Hello!Project gets a new television show.
A variety show like Hello!Morning, but with all the girls. That would be perfect. And use Crunchyroll to broadcast it to the rest of the world. A lot of their music is catchy, but I have to admit, I would not be as big a fan as I am today if I didn't see all those clips on YouTube showing the girls' personalities.
200- 8. Morning Musume gets a ninth generation, but no one graduates.
I would have thought it would be cool having a Morning Musume about my age. But I was wrong and I really think they need more young, energetic faces again, like what Aibon, Nono, and Koha brought to Morning Musume. But with the current trend, I could see audition winners being older than usual, like Lin Lin and Jun Jun's ages when they joined Morning Musume...
Though I wouldn't mind some eggs getting tossed into Morning Musume. Karin's young but has a pretty good voice and lots of energy, and I like Sayaka's personality. I'm also warming up to Akari Saho. Mori Saki looks cute in photos, but I haven't actually heard her voice. XD
If someone graduates, I hope it's Aichan. I don't dislike her, but I find her boring. Morning Musume would lose a great voice, but I'm a bit selfish in that I would like to see a Gaki-led/Kamei sub-led generation. :3
200- 9. Buono! actually gets official US releases outside of iTunes.
I wish I could get Buono's latest stuff from Japanfiles. Personally, I think Buono is the GREATEST thing to come out of Hello!Project. >_> I think they've even surpassed my love of W. But I dislike iTunes because they sell a format that is not compatible with my old mp3 players, and I'm not going to get something expensive like an iPod or Zune just to listen to Buono on the go. I'll be patient and get the physical releases instead if I have to, and just rip them. (I got both their albums for my birthday, so now I have most of their songs.) But I would much rather support domestic releases! So far I have Japanfiles' pressings of Platinum 9 DISC and Sadistic Dance!
I won't support singles, though, unless they are super cheap like Wonder Girls' Nobody (which ironically I can't get because they are always sold out at Justice.) 12 bucks for three tracks, even as a physical release, just isn't worth it. :\ 5 bucks... maybe. I still prefer to just get the album. But Buono is definitely a group I wouldn't mind eventually investing extra money into just for collector's sake, but only when I actually have money to burn. :(
20- 10. Momo takes over the universe.
Just speeding up the inevitable.

Yes Momo, send out your armies of perverted princes on horses and secure your rightful place as empress of the universe.
I hope everyone has a great 2010! :D