Anyway! I've been a fan since 2006. I read about Morning Musume in Anime Insider back in 2004 or 2005, but the idea of so many girls in one group didn't appeal to me at first (and this was before I got DSL, so I couldn't sample music very easily, so I was only able to get Japanese music sold in the United States, like T.M.Revolution and Puffy AmiYumi. ...Though my friends would sometimes download anime music for me and I imported a Ranma 1/2 CD one time...)
Well, I got broadband in late 2005, and heard a W song on Japan-a-Radio in October 2005. "Ai no Imi wo Oishite!" It was sooo catchy and I tried to find more info on them... without much luck, because the letter W is hard to Google, and there is this 80's band with the name "Double You." I forgot about them until a friend showed me YouTube in February 2006. I found the music video and then I found W's other music videos and BAM!! I was totally won over. Then I found Minimoni and Morning Musume. By Fall 2006, I was pretty hooked on Hello!Project music, but only really in Momusu niche. I took the biggest leap in summer 2008, when I decided to watch every single Hello!Project music video I could find on YouTube. Now I scare people away because it's hard not to bring up my love for these idols in everyday conversation. But I've always been a scary nerd, so it's not too different, haha.
I was a big fan of W, especially Nono, but now my interests lie mostly in Buono! I also really like the current line-up of Morning Musume, except I find Takahashi kind of boring sometimes. I still like her voice, though!
Momoko is probably my current favorite in Hello!Project right now. But Miyabi is the most beautiful.

I rest my case.
(Thank you so much to the person that scanned and uploaded Buono's concert booklet to Hello!Online. <3)
Oh, and why the title of this blog? I like those two flavors... plus I'm a leprechaun!
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