Sunday, February 5, 2012

Fanart Corner - Turtle and Gaki

This took awhile... I meant to have two sketches a week. So I'll play catch-up throughout this month as I gather and scan artworks. If you like the concept of an artwork, please tell me! I may finish it by inking and coloring it! And if a drawing, even a cartoony one, doesn't capture the general looks or personality of the idol, please critique me so I can get better at caricature!

I'm starting out with some old drawings I dug up:

A Tribute to Kamei. I drew this back when Eri Kamei was about to graduate from Morning Musume. I like the concept of the pose, but the anatomy and execution needs work!

Gaki caricature. She had that really short, mature cut when I drew this. I didn't really exaggerate her face in this one, but I think I captured part of her personality in the expression.


  1. It is a cute pose, but I'm a bit confused on the viewpoint. Are we supposed to be looking at her straight on or from above? She and the turtle seem to be on different planes.
    Based on her legs' positions, I don't think we'd be seeing her torso completely/straight on. A flexible person could probably pull the pose off, but it wouldn't be very comfortable to hold for long. (The pelvis seems to be disconnected)
    I hope this helps, even though you probably already know about the awkwardness. 8D

    I don't know the gals well enough to know if you "captured" them, but I do have to say that I envy how you're able to use only a few lines to find various facial features. *still struggling with that* I especially love that full mouth. <3

    1. Yeah, once I got to the legs, it all fell apart from there. I didn't even notice until after I inked it (which was awhile after I originally drew it, which was in 2010.) I was just being an inking machine. XD From now on I'll keep planes and poses in mind and make sure I actually look at old drawings first before I start inking them! 8D

      When I was younger, I used to draw caricatures of people that bullied or were mean to me, so maybe that's how I'm used to finding facial features, heh. But I still need to get better and develop a consistency!
